Books of Interest

Books of Interest

 These are some of the books from my personal library.
I have 98% of them on audio programs.
I'm in total Gratitude of these authors. Thank You.

Think & Grow Rich                                               Napoleon Hill

The Secret                                                             Rhonda Byrne

We Were Born Rich                                             Bob Proctor

The Science Of Getting Rich                               Wallace D. Wattles

As A Man Thinkith                                                James Allen

Rich Dad, Poor Dad                                              Robert T. Kiyosaki

The Millionaire Mind                                           T. Harv Eker

The Essential Laws of Fearless Living               Guy Finley

The Magic of Believing                                        Claude M. Bristol

The Abundance Paradigm                                  Joe Vitale

Happy For No Reason                                         Marcy Schimoff

Integrity Is Everything                                         John Lavenia

How to Prosper in a Downturn                         Harry S. Dent Jr.

Becoming a Sales Pro                                          Tom Hopkins

Ca$h Cow                                                              Holton Buggs

Go Pro                                                                    Eric Worre

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