
Do you often wish that you would find a home based business that cuts through the hype and presents you with the genuine opportunity to change your situation? I would like to share with you today business models that have truly changed the lives of countless other people throughout the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and throughout Europe. And by now, most around the globe.

If you're like me searching for a MLM or home based business. Then you're in for a large task ahead! I've been searching for six or seven years. Well that is, I did find something a while ago but is still a work in progress. It has all come with a price but I've learned a lot of things over the years. Now when I look back on it I don't consider it a waste of money because I've gained all this knowledge that I am using on a daily basis and I'm always searching for new knowledge, well new to me anyway. I consider myself a "lifetimer student of Personal Development and Network Marketing". Because my mind is always changing and Internet marketing is always changing.  There's always new things going on which is a good thing, it just shows that the Internet industry is growing bigger and better.  It's in the billions but, just because it is so huge there's a lot of skepticism and that is why the stakes are so high, which in turn is why we choose to live this lifestyle. It's hard to start with but, I always knew that there will be a time where the freedom part will take over the working part. I wouldn't change a thing But, I personally could have learned a little faster. For the record, I just kept getting in my own way! D'oh! :-)
 How do I know if I am Qualified to do these businesses? ONLY those who truly want to change their financial status immediately should respond. For anyone else, there are so many other things you can do on the internet to make extra pocket cash on the side. I am only profiling those individuals that have the desire to make better incomes. Otherwise, this information is not for you.

What Is MLM?  MLM stands for Multi Level Marketing. This requires work, patients and presistence to build a large team under you and make real money. So, you build it properly by retailing great products from the ground level (work) and as you move up through the levels (patients), you pull your team with you (presistence). Mentoring them to duplicate by using the same system that you use and then everybody wins.

 Do I have to talk to people with these businesses? ABSOLUTELY. Unless you are going to do manual labor, the only way to make sustainable money is to move products and services or be responsible for the movement in some way. But I can tell you this, you won't have to do any selling, telling, or explaining of any product or service. Most companies know this so they have third party tools to do all that "work".

Are there any costs in running these businesses? YES. Anyone who tells you that it doesn't take money to build a business is lying to you. These are businesses that generate substantial incomes. Most brick 'n' mortar businesses show only a small percentage as profit and the rest is business expenses. The difference here is that because of the immediate cash flow in these business models, your expenses will be paid for and still have huge net profits left over for an individual. However, the investment and expenses in the online businesses are no where near any of the usual corporate businesses mentioned in other examples.

 On a scale of 1-10, what is the difficulty level of running these businesses? With 10 being the most difficult, and 1 being the simplest, Most businesses rate at 3. There is no special trait or ability needed in most of these companies, just desire and consistency. However, most people do not even know what their ultimate desire is and that is why most of these companies have training events.

 Is training and support provided? ABSOLUTELY. I don't know of any companies that wouldn't. Your success will be achieved with personal mentoring by other leaders and self made millionaires who have already achieved financial success while working from home. The training systems that are in place work perfectly as long as they are followed exactly. Most companies have live training calls or events. There are usually 24/7 e-streaming or videos online should your schedule require it. It's best to do your due diligence and comb through every website first. If you do not see them, then make sure you ask your contact.

 How much time does this business require? Leverage your time, choose your own hours, and take holidays whenever you wish, Work from home in your pajamas, from the beach in Cancun, or while you're taking a 3-month vacation in Hawaii. We recommend you have 1-3 hours per day available.

How difficult are these businesses? The marketing systems typically do most of the grunt work for you if, the company knows what they are doing. There is usually NO personal selling or explaining involved. Most companies have eliminated most of the things people struggle with in their own businesses.

 What is a realistic first year income? Realistic? I don't believe in realistic. Realistic people DO NOT become millionaires. In these business models you definitely you have to get out of your comfort zone, you CAN achieve UNREALISTIC results. Your first year income potential can be massive, given you do EXACTLY what the leaders in the up-lines say and follow the systems. Why would you want to get started in this kind of business if you couldn't make a ton of money right away? But, to be fair, most people with a typical learning curve can take 3 to 5 years part-time while still at their labour job.

 How do I know if this is "too good to be true"? In my opinion, "too good to be true" would be if I was telling you that everyone you talked to would be stuffing money through their phones! Most of the companies I view are real, legitimate, internet marketing companies. The systems work perfectly as long as you follow them exactly. You will see for yourself EXACTLY how they work. There is work involved. So, what really matters the most is your level of DESIRE.

 What do these marketing systems consist of? These businesses are Network Marketing. NOT Selling products to customers but, utilizing the internet for gathering people who want to BUY these products. These are Multi Level Marketing (MLM), NOT pyramid schemes. Most companies following a VERY simple, systematic, marketing program. There's usually no guess work involved because most companies, that have been around for a few years, have figured out all the infrastructure.

All this WITHOUT:

 Franchise fees of $100,000 to $500,000 (I've seen some at 1 million +) and that does not even come with a guaranteed income. (Start-up fees with most network companies can start from $50 - 500.00)

 Waiting four to five, or more, years until your business clears a profit. (You can be making money here in days with todays companies' comp plans. It's up to you and your efforts and there is no cap of how much you can make!)

 Overhead costs and the hassle of hiring and maintaining staff or doing I all yourself. (I have not seen one online company that does not support up-line or do-line training. period!)

 Working 60-80 hours a week or being a slave to your own business. (Working 10-15 hours part time or 20-30 hours full time is all it takes.)

 No selling, telling, or explaining products. (They are NOT sales jobs! Most systems do all the grunt work for you! They will make the product, warehouse the product and ship the product right to you or you customer! How great is that!)

Most, if not all of these networking, online store or multi-level marketing companies do provide some form of personal development style of training. Because they understand that it is 'people' talking to people that drive these companies not profits!

In case you are wondering if I actually have a MLM business?
Yes I do. You can view it here:

I encourage you to carefully review the rest of this website and give yourself the opportunity to not only improve yourself but, also your lifestyle. This site will not only give you information and teaching about the workings of these businesses, but even better - it will show you how REAL PEOPLE are achieving REAL RESULTS. This is not just some hype-filled ad promoting another hype-filled opportunity based on empty promises.

I am going to be very direct and upfront with you. This information may not be for you. If you are looking for "something for nothing" or "the quick and easy", then this is not for you. Save us all a lot of time and hit your back button. This is not a "sales pitch" website. I am not interested in convincing or persuading you to change your life. Whether you are ready to move forward or continue life as you know it today, it is completely up to you. I simply want to offer this information to those who have a burning desire to have a more meaningful and happy life, surrounded by positive people and create a dramatic increase in their income in the next 6-12 months (or more). And of course, for those who believe it is possible. If you do not believe it's possible, and you do not have a burning desire to take your life past mediocrity, then this is definitely not for you. Thanks for taking an interest up to this point.

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