P.S. I do not draw affiliate commissions from Charity Water, I just think it's a really cool idea so I wanted to share it. Thanks.

Hi there and welcome to my site. I hope to clear up some of the myths and misconceptions people have about standing up and taking charge of their own existence. About reprogramming their mind so they can escape from that daily grind that is getting them nowhere special. About having the kind of freedom that one is able to have by building an online company, a networking company or a multilevel marketing (MLM) company. And even about the misunderstanding of having multiple incomes.

I used to think getting a good job, working for an "x" amount of time, building a nest egg and then retirement, would be the way to do it. Then I thought owning my own business would be a better way. But now, after being self-employed for 16 years and not being the big boss of the business where you have managers, supervisors & workers actually running the operation, I know that’s just not true anymore.

Robert Kiyosaki puts it very simple, when he explains about the "Cash Flow Quadrant". The employed & self-employed will always be struggling while they work for their money or trading time for money and the big bosses & investors will always have it easier because they have systems working for them. But, I would like to finish this comment with anybody can be in this category when they know how to get their money working for them.

My wife and I owned a self-employed janitor company for 16 years. I actually had to look back to when we started and was shocked at how long we were at it. Now to some people that might not be long but I have to say, "I really had nothing to show for all our hard labor." I personally worked every day (except Christmas day). No kidding, No exaggerations, No holidays, No days off & No vacations. And that’s not even including the extra work that came with the job. I got completely exhausted, physically and mentally! Just about every day I woke up hoping it all was different, it was better. Have you ever felt that?

"You know how your buds are always kidding you about "being married is the Ball and Chain!" Well you guys are dead wrong! "

I love being a husband and a daddy. But, the real ball and chain was my work, my J.O.B., my company, call it what you like! Everything had to revolve around it. "Not right now buddy, I have to get some sleep before work." Or "Not right now little man, dad’s got to go to work now." Even though I mostly worked nights, I also worked all day too. Sound familiar?

One day I got so frustrated that I belted "It’s TIME for a CHANGE!!" out into the air. Then, it came out of the blue. I was surfing the web and this thing jumped out and caught my attention! It was the ‘splash page’ that led me to a company. I was saved! Or so I thought at the time.

But now, because of that shift in my thinking, I say "I have to do a bit of work for a couple of minutes or a couple hours and the day will be ours. Think of something you want to do and we will do it." That’s all there is to it. My conscious is at rest because I know my ads are in place doing the work for me. Also, I know I can go play and have fun with my son, then later on in the evening, I’ll be back in my home office doing some more calls but, I will be in a good mood to talk to people about these great opportunities. What more could you want?

Then, when it’s time for the conferences to come around, it’s always a good time for a family vacation. Mix a little business with a lot of pleasure at the 5 star hotels and resorts, big venues, cool activities! Fun, fun, fun! Get the picture?

People shy away from Internet or network marketing simply because they don’t understand it or they think it is fraudulent or they put some money into something they didn’t research enough and got shafted. You know the saying "once bitten, twice shy". Hey, all I’m saying is "Do Your Research!" There are REAL companies out there, they are here to STAY and they will be still going well into the FUTURE. Make your decision NOW!

Just Believe In Yourself! Trust your instincts; you know what you are capable of. Or maybe you don’t know now but, you will soon.

On a more personal note, when I started into my first online company it had something to do with personal development. Now, even though I did not make a dime in that company, (in fact I spent a whole lot of dimes and dollars too!) I did receive its weight in gold of knowledge by surrounding myself with like-minded people that were already on a path of personal transformation and online marketing. By diving straight into it, I was able to feel the shift of my mindset so, now I was experiencing good things and they were starting to replace not so good things.

I have also noticed that most, if not all, marketing companies have personal development programs within the training of their organizations for a reason. They understand that we all came from the same sort of programming at one time or another. So, you’re not alone.


Believe in Yourself,
Jim Reid 


#1 Believe in Yourself!

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Jim, Declan & Arynne
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